onsdag 2 juli 2014

Clan Escher dropping by for tea

I have two projects in 40k. My main project is actually an Elysian drop troops army. Eldar I paint because of an old love for them. I wanted something new and fresh for my Elysians and happened to stumble on the idea of using wyches to make Escher gangers for necromunda. So I made my whole army that way.

Wyches with arms and weapons from www.Anvilindustry.co.uk the arms are slightly too short, I think the wyches are taller than your average guardsman. But with some deft posing and modelling ;) I think hidden that pretty well. Anvilindustry parts are really nice otherwise, crisp detail, not much flash, and they have good service. And the things I've bought has a good design, nice sculpting and a good production, so pluses all around.
On top of that, I've greenstuffed some simple gasmasks, with a tube going to their backpack. Cut off most of their evil-marking doomsday-spikes.
Also they've gotten lots of small bags and straps, some plastic but mostly simple greenstuff bags.

There are a couple of minis that stand out, having black and yellow striped fannypacks, these are plasmagunners(I made a shitload just to up the points of the army). The fannypack is supposed to be the powerpack for the plasmaguns. The plasmaguns themselves were made with plasmapistols, because the plasmaguns felt too big in comparison(and lot more expensive).

When I paint I usually mass-paint lots of minis at once. It is a mindumbing process, and I usually stop at 80-90% of the way. But the upside is that I can go back and easily finish the models.
So last night I picked up some of these Ladies, and gave them some more makeup.

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